
To hold universes in our bodies (9.3.-17.5.2019)

To hold universes in our bodies
March 9, 2019 - May 17, 2019

To hold universes in our bodies brings together the work of five female artists who reinvent women bodies creating all kinds of (im)possible universes. Appropriating the figure of the female body (and challenging traditional notions of it) the exhibition seeks to re-signify its representation and open visual paths to the complexity of the female gaze over her own body.
In the works of Christian Castañeda (MX), Lara Lars (ES), Nastasia Louveau (FR), Melodie Mousset (FR) and Nuria Riaza (ES), women bodies are drawn, painted, portrayed and modelled using a variety of techniques, mediums and formats that result in images which escape the ordinary and go from the mystical to the extraterrestrial, without leaving the personal and the political aside. Far from turning female bodies into passive objects, the specific visual language developed by each artist is used to portray bodies that open and connect with conceptual, symbolic and emotional universes.
Gathered under a title inspired by the book Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi, the exhibition has been designed as a multilayered show which will include not only the images created by the artists, but the images of the artists themselves. For this purpose, Nastasia Louveau has been invited to intervene the walls of the exhibition with the portraits of the artists and curators, as well as her self-portrait, as a way to make visible and honor the work of women in the field of art.
The live painting action by Nastasia Louveau will take place throughout the day of the opening.