
Nada tendrá lugar, sino el lugar (27.1.2018)

Nada tendrá lugar, sino el lugar
January 27, 2018

Georges Didi-Huberman wrote in his famous essay Being a Skull (1990), “the artist is an inventor of places. he (she) shapes and incarnates spaces, which have been unlikely, impossible, unthinkable …”. drawing upon this idea, the exhibition will investigate ways of occupying and activating the space, from the street to the white cube. the artworks chosen for the project exist in the intersection between contemporary art and dance. process, re-enactment and difference are the central concepts of the exhibition, which are explored both in a corporal and aesthetic form. in each of the works the artists occupy places to imagine spaces that are always unstable, unsettling at the same time the spectators' view, and suspending time for an instant.