
Auf der Suche nach Bruno (22.8.19)

Auf der Suche nach Bruno
August 19, 2019

On May 10, 2017, Bruno Avendaño, a young man from Oaxaca enrolled in the Mexican navy, disappeared in the town of Santo Domingo Tehuantepec without, to date, a single piece of news of his whereabouts. His case is no different from many other Mexican citizens forcibly disappeared in the country since 2010. Nonetheless, Bruno's disappearance has achieved quite an international visibility that only a few other disappeared people have: Bruno is the brother of artist Lukas Avendaño. Since that day, Lukas has used every platform to denounce the situation and make Bruno's absence present.
As Lukas states, Bruno's disappearance has put to the test the foundations on which his artistic practice has been shaped. Lukas uses his body and the stage (theatrical, performative and digital) to make his missing brother "present" and, in turn, to denounce the State's total absence of guarantees and human rights.
Faced with the systematic practice of disappearing bodies, Lukas, through his artistic practice, implements strategies that bet on life and on the possibility of turning vulnerability and absence into a "happy experience".