
BEASTS (30.11.19)

November 30, 2019

an auditory exploration by Enrique Arriaga

in collaboration with Janet Martínez

November 30th, 2019, 7.00 pm

The Beasts is an auditory exploration by Mexican sound artist Enrique Arriaga. Conceived as an imaginary journey, this piece engages with narrative elements, soundscapes and abstract noise, in order to drive the audience into an immersive listening experience. Working with text-to-speech, field recording, sound effects, samples, tape loops, and electronic noise generators, Enrique Arriaga prompts the unconscious through sonic stimuli. In collaboration with video designer Janet Martínez, this audiovisual performance, created specifically for la_cápsula, entangles a dialogue with the artworks in the group show The Animal That Therefore I Am, which draws inspiration from bestiary books. The Beasts is an evocation of the non-human entities that surround us, but also a call to the animal within us.